Imagine being taken to the greatest heights of ecstasy only to find yourself free falling with no logical explanation. You hit the ground, stunned and confused, and then clutch your chest to close the gaping hole that exposes your heart. Feel the nerve endings twitch with electric heat at every pulse. Trace the open wound with the tips of your fingers. Visualize how the hole got there... Not with a razor-sharp knife, but with a spoon, over the course of months or even years, leaving you numb to the pain. Now you know how it feels to break up with a sociopath. The last thing you should do is believe you can correct the situation, but you probably will. If you were feeling the red-hot coils of a stove, your reaction would be to jerk your hand away, but this kind of danger is psychological. Like a skillful game of chess, you watch your opponent, anticipating their next move. Once you’ve exhausted every avenue to find it makes no difference, and you shed the last drop of blood, you have to face the truth. As Gloria Steinem says, “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
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